Sunday, March 30, 2008

recipe of the week: coriander and cashew pesto

lydia provided a great link in a recent post for ideas about what to do with left over fresh herbs. this coincides nicely with my lastest cooking triumph as idea number 8 is to make your own pesto. i saw this recipe on a cooking show the other day. you don't need a blender to make pesto, although it quickens the process. you just need a large shrap knife and my pestle and mortar did come in handy for the nuts.

large bunch of coriander
large handful of cashews
goodly grating of hard italian cheese (i used romano)
splash of olive oil
salt and pepper to taste

chop the coriander as finely as you can stand.
crush or chop the cahsews quite finely but leaving some chunky texture.
mix the chopped coriander, cashews, cheese and salt and pepper.
stir in enough olive oil to loosen the mixture without making it soupy.
serve with pasta or grilled fish or meat.

1 comment:

Lydia said...

Interesting variation! I've never made pesto, but perhaps that's what I should do with my parsley. I was going to add it to salad and make an omelet with my thyme...although I *just* remembered Jamie Oliver's fantastic parsley frittata...