Friday, August 25, 2006

recipe of the week: watermelon salad

1/2 large watermelon, cubed into bite sized pieces
1-2 blocks of feta cheese, cubed the same
1 red onion, slivered into cresents
2-3 limes

place the red onions in a large bowl and cover with the juice of the limes. the onions shouldn't be drowning but there should be a fair amount of juice. leave to soak for as long as possible, at least 2 hours if not 4/5, stirring occasionally. the onions will turn a lovely translucent pink and the juice will also be a soft pink.
mix the watermelon and the feta into the onions, tossing in the pink lime juice.
season to taste (although i didn't add anything else)
eat. yummy!

this is such a bbq salad. and for those onion haters out there, i understand your disgust...but trust me, red onions soaked in lime juice turn sweet and tangy. i regretfully say that i didn't take a picture of the onions, they were really pretty.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

home, home on the range...

where the otters and the blue heron play...

yes, i'm home. back to the tap water that doesn't make me gag. back to roads that are wide enough for 3 cars when only 2 travel down. back to the smell of ocean and seaweed.

spending a hot, sunny week in parksville a few days after arriving did wonders for the jet lag! napping on the beach is the way forward. i've put up some pictures in my picasa web album...a new way to post my pictures to the web (link on the right, mum). if you have a digital camera i highly suggest using picasa for your organisational, storage, and emailing needs. it's free and from google.

my week in edinburgh was the most fun i've had in a long while, it may just be one of my favourite cities. the fringe is something everyone should do...check out the pictures on 23, if you like.

i've also finally posted some of the pictures from play on flickr.