Thursday, October 09, 2008

an interesting read

UPDATE: the times just won't work as a hyper link so try copying and pasting the full address.

here's a full link for you of a different yet related article, still humourous...

and here's the intended article....

jamie oliver has started a new program - jamie's ministry of food - where he wants people to give up the fast food lifestyle and learn to cook basic meals. then those people them pass on the recipes to friends who pass on the recipes and so on and so forth until thousands of people are cooking.

he's been criticised after his first episode for portraying a typical english village as thick and slovenly (this is the same village where mothers were pushing macdonald's into their children's outstretched hands through the school gates when chips and burgers were banned from school dinners in favour of healthy eating - thanks to jamie). this article from the times was a very amusing read. i like how they censored 'wanker' in the opening paragraph.


Lydia said...

Eek! I love him. One of my classmates has said she literally eats microwave Kraft Dinner every night because she can't cook, so I am going to pass this on to her. That article link didn't work, by the way.

Lydia said...

Harrumph. That article was kind of annoying. Picking on Jamie for being chubby? So petty.