Sunday, July 01, 2007

recipe of the week: mozzerella sticks and bbq sauce

i had a giada de laurentiis dinner and i highly recommend you do the same.

here's her mozzerella stick recipe. i didn't read the directions very carefully and missed the second coating of bread crumbs. i don't think it harmed the recipe in any way. but definitely do not leave out freezing the little guys before frying, the ooziness was intense and i'm sure i would have been left with bread crumbs and goo if i hadn't frozen the sticks. i probably would cut the sticks in half next time, they were a bit long and wobbly coming out of the pan.

instead of the marinara sauce giada recommends for dipping i used her balsamic bbq sauce. YUM! i also bbq's some steaks with the sauce. i'll probably bake some chicken in the left over sauce tomorrow. it's just that good.

happy cooking.


Lydia said...

holy shit, that sounds delicious. is it hard? i never deep fry.
i bet her polenta fries would make a delicious accompaniment. It's like a faux-ghetto appy plate.

robyn. said...

it was more time consuming than hard. i did find it hard to get the sticks out of the pan, but that was because they were too long. all the time and effort is very much worth it though!

polenta fries, yum!. i might need to try those.

Lydia said...

I wish I had a BBQ. I might get one on a whim at Canadian Tire sometime.

I want to cook that exact meal, polenta fries, steaks and all. Maybe we can fix it up in Victoria somehow? Or here if you come visit me.

I had a strawberry tiramisu for Canada Day from Granville Island. It was amazing.

robyn. said...

technically i didn't actually bbq anything. i griddle paned the steaks. 4 mins a side on med-high heat for medium rare.

i'll definitely be over in vancouver for a few days...victoria or vancouver, this meal will happen somewhere!

i also made double baked potatos (where you bake the potato - cut it in half - take out the middle - mix it with sour cream, cheese, bacon, butter - stuff it back into the skins - bake again.) think about that option as well. it with be a green vegetable free/carb filled feast!