Saturday, December 16, 2006

Jose Gonzalez - Heartbeats, Sony Bravia

this is my favourite commercial of all time and i found the full length version! 250,000 bouncy balls let loose on the streets of san fransisco with only the most minimal product placement. it also introduced me to the glorious music of jose gonzalez.

erin and i had a brief discussion about music in adverts, which inspired me to post this video. has the musician really sold out if they give their song up to the commercial? or is it just a smart way to get their song out there?

the small youtube version does not do this lovely commercial justice.


Lydia said...

What? Is that real? It's very pretty. I like the song too. I'm okay with musicians selling their songs, it breaks a lot of them to a much wider audience.

robyn. said...

it's totally real, you can watch the 'making of' on youtube as well.

erin and i decided that you're not a sell out if you get your music in a commercial as well. it's just a good move to get your music out there.