Friday, December 22, 2006

happy solstice everyone!

i thought yesterday was the solstice (as did erin and michael so i'm not alone) but as luck would have it, it's actually today. so i'm not late in wishing you all a happy december solstice. what are you going to do with your shortest day of the year?

i know what i'm going to do. more christmas baking! i have a batch of eggnog bread in the oven while i type. as you can seen from my previous posts, all i've done for the past 2-3 weeks is bake, cook and knit. but yesterday i changed it up a bit. with all my knitting now complete, i went for a walk and collected some of the branches that fell during the wind storm and made a christmas wreath. what fun!

i might attempt the christmas card star next.

1 comment:

Lydia said...

Shit. I'll be gobsmacked if Sarah and I get 20 cards between us. We had 8 when I left...anyway, that craft was mad hard! Good luck.