Thursday, June 01, 2006

i love educational BBC documentaries

i'm currently in the middle of the climate chaos season on the BBC and i have to say it has been a horrifying and fascinating journey. david attenborough plays a large role in many of the episodes and tonight is the 2nd part of his most recent documentary 'are we changing planet earth?/can we save planet earth?'. it's apparently the first time he has spoken out about climate change. i'm looking forward to it with a great deal of trepidation, the first one made me cry.

speaking of crying about the earth, the planet earth series that was recently on also brought me to tears. i only watched 2 of the 5 but i will not hesitate to recommend the series. it is the most beautifully shot

ambitious factual series ever commissioned by the BBC. It is a breathtaking exploration of our world.
6 more episode should be coming out in the autumn. i plan on buying the first 5.

i thoroughly enjoy the BBC and any of you canadians that have the fancy cable tv packages should really invest in the BBC channels. sure you have the CBC and david suzuki, but did the CBC dedicate an entire season to climate change? maybe they did, i don't know, did they?

UPDATE: i cried...a baby elephant dead because of drought in africa. doom and gloom! the icecaps are melting, the amazon will burn up, the coral is dissolving. but things can be done. don't leave your appliances on stand-by. eat locally. take the train. drive less. switch to wind or solar power. only fill your kettle with the amount of water you need. this was a good already exists to stabilize global warming.

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